EasyCam Articles

Plumber’s EasyCAM Experience: Olin Plumbing

Olin Plumbing - EasyCAM ReviewDerek Olin owner of Olin Plumbing, Inc of Tampa, FL frequently had a hard time convincing skeptical customers that an expensive lateral-line fix was necessary to solve their drain blockage problems.

The prospects of a $4,000 to $5,000 repair job will that to Joe and Jane Homeowner.

Olin recently purchased an EasyCAM sewer camera to help potential customers to understand and “see for themselves” just why this expensive sewer repair was needed. When customers looked in their pipes through the EasyCAM sewer camera and monitor, they quickly understood and the financial barrier disappeared.

EasyCAM sewer cameras bring two old clichés new life: “Seeing is believing” and “time is money”.

Seeing Is Believing

“Before I bought the EasyCAM sewer camera, I pretty much left everything up to my 43 years of experience in the field” says Olin, “but in terms of selling jobs, it’s much better if you can take the homeowner by the hand and show them the problem.”

Time Is Money

Most sewer cameras that Olin has worked with over the years required setup and tear down time. The portable, compact and lightweight EasyCAM sewer camera resolves this time factor issue.

“Instead of spending 20 or 30 minutes unpacking a camera system and assembling components, I just take if off my truck, roll it over to the hole and start working” explains Olin.

Don’t take our word for it, take Derek’s, rent or purchase an EasyCAM sewer camera for your business and start saving time and let our sewer camera help you sell more jobs!

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Made in the USA

Plumber’s EasyCAM Experience: Faucet Doctor

Hello Joe, Just wanted to give you a little feedback on the success of our new Easycam Sewer Camera and locator system recently purchased. First, I want to tell you that the customer service and support from you guys is remarkable. Since the camera is new to both Greg...

Let EasyCAM Help Grow Your Business

Can a sewer camera help grow your plumbing business? Derek Olin owner of Olin Plumbing, Inc of Tampa, FL says emphatically YES!! EasyCAM sewer camera has “definitely helped me grow the company” says Derek. He went of to say “I can’t emphasize enough how easy it is to...

Plumbers Agree

Why should you ship your entire sewer camera unit off to the manufacture (at your expense), wait weeks if not a month, for them to repair it and then pay to have it shipped back to you?

In today's technologically advanced world there MUST BE A BETTER WAY!

There IS!!! With EasyCAM's modular design, we ship the replacement part immediately and then YOU replace it yourself using simple hand tools!!

More For Less

The BEST does not have to cost the most. When you buy an EasyCAM sewer camera you will find it priced thousands less than other sewer cameras!!

The savings you receive from the purchase of the main unit allows you to consider the many accessories that are sure to make your job even easier!



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EasyCam Sewer Cameras



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